Remote Viewing Legend Joe McMoneagle's Remote View Of Mars
Always try to vet what you are being told.
Joe McMoneagle’s 6+ hour interview on the Shawn Ryan Show is an amazing journey to one man’s life starting in military service in Vietnam to becoming one of the pioneers in the field of remote viewing. RV is no doubt highly controversial. The idea that one can project the mind to any location on the earth and off the earth and to any point in time, past or future, to see things for gathering intelligence is mind boggling. But according to McMoneagle, it works and anyone can be trained to remote view.
Doubted at first, remote viewing found a home in the world of spooks as McMoneagle did a lot of work for the CIA.
Here is a short bio on Joe McMoneagle from Shawn Ryan’s Youtube page:
“Joe McMoneagle is a former U.S. Army Chief Warrant Officer and was among the first Remote Viewers to be recruited into the previously classified Stargate Project. Project Stargate was the United States' first organized research into psychic phenomena via the Defense Intelligence Agency and contractor SRI International.
In this episode, McMoneagle takes us back to the early days of the Vietnam War and how he was recruited into intelligence operations. The height of the Cold War fueled appetites for advantages over the United States' enemies and gave way to the CIA's push into ‘psychic and extra sensory perception’ research and military applications.”
This is not an overview of a six hour interview which I chose to watch over several days. This interview went huge and has garnered over 2 million views in the first month of release with over 8k comments. Shawn Ryan’s video channel features high production values with a professionally designed set, professional lighting and camerawork. Shawn’s guests tell their stories free of interruptions who are an engaging mix of special forces operators, combat veterans, hackers, intelligence professionals, etc. Shawn is an able interviewer and rarely interrupts the guests, freeing them telling their stories. His interview of Joe McMoneagle at six hours is overall a treat and often fascinating, from Joe’s survival of a nighttime assassin, his near death experience and what it feels like to pass through a steel vault door. A lot of it is quite fantastic and may be hard for many to believe.
Joe McMoneagle And GPS
Joe tells some compelling stories that all share one main feature—the ring of truth. Generally, when being assigned a remote viewing target it can be specific such as a city, individual or location, or so vague as to offer virtually nothing about a target.
However, about 4:50 hours in, the narrative take a different turn when McMoneagle states he was asked to remote view locations on Mars. He was given GPS coordinates. Something didn’t seem right about this so I decided to take a deeper look.
What follows is a clip of McMoneagle discussing the use of GPS for targets—off planet.
Here is what is wrong with all of this. GPS, the Global Positioning System, is made up of a dozen or more satellites covering the Earth. This is the basis of a network for positioning geographical locations on the earth for military and civilian use.
Joe McMoneagle said that the GPS coordinates he had where of the Cydonia region on Mars were the face is located.
No. Mars does not have a magnetic field. Despite what McMoneagle claims, GPS is not operational there. It would require a network of satellites which are currently not in orbit at Mars and would be useless. A compass does not work there and neither will this.
Did he instead mean latitude and longitude numbers? Mars has been mapped out for that.
Joe McMoneagle said that all of the planets in the Universe had GPS because they were all spherical.
No. That is not a requirement for GPS functionality but helps. The planets would require a satellite array and a functioning magnetic field.
Joe McMoneagle said that all moons are covered by GPS.
No. None of the solar system moons are. Likewise, our moon does not have a magnetic field and GPS is not operational there.
In Parting
So the GPS error is disappointing. Despite the high strangeness of the subject matter Joe McMoneagle was making sense regarding his experiences in remote viewing and in astral projection. His introduction of GPS into the discussion comes close to ruining his credibility. Every single thing he says about it is wrong. How could he be this far off? Earth is the only planet in the solar system that has GPS in operation. A simple online search explains this. I seriously doubt if Joe walked into JPL with a GPS data sheet for Mars image locations and they would know what he was talking about. Even they were would know this is wrong.
I don’t know what is going on with him. But this GPS episode makes me wonder if he is being straight with the public regarding his other adventures and exploits.
Mercury, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus all have magnetic fields. Venus and the Mars do not. The moon does not.
“There are two primary systems of navigation on Earth today, using maps/compass, and using GPS satellites. It seems unlikely there will be a full constellation of GPS satellites prior to the first humans landing on Mars. In addition, Mars doesn't have a magnetic field like Earth, so a compass is out. It also seems like many long trips will be taken on Mars, even by the first group landing there, requiring accurate navigation. How will this be accomplished?”
Both remote viewing and astral projection (soul travel) are shown here as something that can be gained from training. However, it’s a common among those who practice black magic.
(All still images and video are used in CCL noncommercial use.)
GPS overview National Geographic
NASA Technical Report Server
How Mars Lost Its Magnetic Field—and Then Its Oceans
The moon’s lack of a magnetic field